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rocksolid / i2p / MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery

* MuWire package with working automatic peer discoveryAnonymous
`* Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discoveryTitlacahuan
 `- Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discoveryAnonymous

Subject: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 23:27 UTC
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Subject: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 23:27:53 +0000
Organization: RetroBBS
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By this point you have either seen multiple of my posts elsewhere and are rolling your eyes or you are seeing this for the first time. Either way here I am trying to spread the word.

To avoid wasting people's time, note that this is a Windows-64-bit-only version.

The gist of it is I've packaged a version of MuWire that has the following features:
- Automatic discovery of nodes even without prior network integration, immediately after setup
- Built off the 2nd last commit(or so) from GitHub before the developer up and left, so contains all features and fixes that never made it in that final release.
- Fully portable package, both the embedded I2P 2.4.0 node and JRE 18.0.2 are included and there is nothing to install. Multiple copies to multiple folders will run and configure 100% independently, own ID, own I2P node.
- As mentioned just now the embedded I2P node is 2.4.0, and by just running a script file from within the folder, it will connect to the official site and retrieve and unpack the latest I2P node files and update those from within MuWire, meaning that while MW itself is no longer getting updates, its embedded node can stay up to date avoiding the performance and security degradation that comes with time.

To those who have read my previous notes on this package before, the following changes have been made since:

- As the last point illustrates, the I2P node can now be automatically updated using the included update script file by fetching the .zip from the website instead of relying on an existing I2P install in the OS.
-Package size reduced from 107MB to 69MB(nice) by removing the useless in the JRE.
-Added lots of idiotproofing and safeguards - against trying to launch MW and updater at the same time, or either of them in multiple instances, launching from network paths, and potential power failures during the updating of config values by the startup script causing potential corruption by implementing a backup and mark-dirty system.
-Some improvements to the default download, upload, and bandwidth share percentage cap, set to 8192KB speeds and 90% respectively, as well as laptop mode router identity and port change enabled when acquiring a new Internet IP for better speed and anonymity.

On I2P there are going to be a lot of people who use Linux, and also inherent skepticism towards someone with no real reputation providing a random package.

The scripts in question could be audited by anyone code-literate and the JRE package could be manually redownloaded by skeptics. This just leaves the I2P files(certs, geoip, and the 4 JAR modules in the package) which can also be audited, or even overwritten by editing the text file that records the last successful update in order to trick the updater into redownloading the official files.

This just leaves the remaining 60 of the 64 JARs from the muwirelibs folder, 4 of them are I2P node files which again can be pulled directly from the official site, either by script or manually. I sadly have no way of providing assurances to users about those. Attempting to manually compile MuWire via source only produced about 5 of these libraries, the rest appear to be pulled from external sources. So unfortunately I cannot provide you with trust beyond this point. The packages to compare these with used to be on GitHub's job artifacts but those are long expired.

Either way, the best use case for this package I want to imagine is not the privacy-minded paranoid users. Rather, my hope is that this instead gets spread around normies who use Windows. Since it requires no I2P setup and the initial setup wizard is also extremely simple, what I'd like to see is this make rounds on the clearnet and get people from all over not only join the anonymous file sharing, but also run helpful I2P nodes in the background in the process.

The app is quite mature and it bothers me that not so many are using it since it's pretty straightforward and comes with such robust anonymity from the get-go.

If you're either interested yourself or think other people might be interested in this, a link to the download is here: http://freefallheavens.i2p/content/downloads/MW_standalone.torrent

The !README!.TXT file is of some importance. Setup is pretty straightforward and quick with pretty much just one quirk, that after initial setup once you reach the main window, you need to close the app and then reopen it again. This is only ever needed once.

Hoping this helps somebody.

Subject: Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
From: Titlacahuan
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 03:54 UTC
References: 1
From: (Titlacahuan)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Subject: Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 03:54:44 +0000
Organization: RetroBBS
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thank you so much for keeping MuWire alive. I've lost access to the phone number used for 2FA with GitHub and can't log in as "zlatinb" there. I expect to get it back in the next 3 months or so, but until then I will be using the nickname "Titlacahuan" on I2P.

If you have any specific technical questions regarding MuWire I will try to be in the #muwire channel on both Irc2P and Ilita every now and then. Due to circumstances I don't want really want to discuss my internet access is not available to me as often as I'd like.

All the best,
zlatinb a.k.a Titlacahuan

Subject: Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 16:24 UTC
References: 1 2
From: Anonym...@invalid.invalid (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.i2p
Subject: Re: MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 16:24:12 +0000
Organization: RetroBBS
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Master Zab, the real test is to download an encrypted copressed to 10GB file at a rate of 300KB/s with a 90%+ reliability. If you can do that, I'll find Patsy Win-doze to help me. Let us know when that happens. It will help me distribute VM's.

Gospodin Mik's OS is somewhat reliable to 2 GB if you fix all the slopy crap. The Tor network more fuckers than i2p.

Tribler channel is crap without 10+ locations. At least they put the disclaimer that it works only in privacy OSes like Win-doze, OSX and Ubuntu. I can't believe the time I wasted with them. For downloads is somewhat OK.

Personally I believe the current i2p releases are crap. Even i2pplus automatically downgrades to 2.4.-02.

Nyx browser is looking for an App Image maintainer... if you care. I think you are to good for them.

I really wish you the best and watch the 3z crap like a hawk. I don't think the evil can change. My wrap sheet for him is as large as an encyclopedia.

rocksolid / i2p / MuWire package with working automatic peer discovery


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